Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Learn From The Mistakes Of Others

This week we talked about divorce, and coming from a family where there have been multiple divorces, most of the things that we talked about seem familiar to me. My mom's parents were divorced and remarried. My parents were divorced a few years ago. The divorce that my parents went through wasnt like the typical divorce where a couple fights and isn't willing to work things out. My father got in a lot of trouble with the law and my mom was actually counseled to divorce him because of the circumstances. I know it has been said that those who come from divoreced families have a greater chance of being divorced themselves, but I want to be different. I know that marriage is hard work and that there will be problems, but I feel like i have the knowledge and resources to work through the issues that arise during marriage. It has been a huge benefit to attend counseling as a family and there have been so many things that I have learned in my Family Relations class that help me feel like I have a head start.

Even though it has been hard on our family with the absence of a father and husband in our life, it has been good to grow closer together now. We have been able to adjust out family system, and each day we are learning new ways to improve our situation. We have had a first-hand example of things that we should and should do that we can learn from for the future. It is so important to watch and learn from those before you. Follow the good and change the undesirable.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

It Goes Both Ways

There are many different types of parenting. One of the types of parenting is "Active Parenting" and this type is one of the best ways to raise your children. Communication is key to having a good and healthy relationships. There are five steps that you can do to be an active communicator.
1. Listen actively
2. Respond to Feelings
3. Look for alternatives to issues/ evaluate consequences
4. Offer Encouragement
5. Follow up Later

When you are active and involved in your childrens lives, they will feel greater love and support from you. One of the biggest things that both children and parents long for is the acceptance of each other.

Parenting is for the parents to learn just as much or more than the children. It is a two-way relationship. Many parents think that they deserve respect from children and although children do need to respect parents, (and everyone) children need to be respected too! Heavenly Father sends his children to down to parents and it is such a privilege to raise them.

Knowledge Is Never Wasted

This week we read an article by Dennis Prager titled, Does a Full-Time Homemaker Swap Her Mind for a Mop? and I loved it! I totally agree that a woman's education is not wasted in the home. There are so many things that we are learning and doing to prepare for having a family of our own. It takes a lot of work to be a mother and I know that the more schooling I get, the more prepared I will be to get married and have children. I learn something new every time I attend class and it is so great! I want to be educated and help my children become more educated in the things that they are learning. My mom didn't attend college and when I needed help with more complex homework, it was hard because she wasn't sure how to hlep. I know that many of us forget the little things that we learn, but the life lessons that are learned while attending college are more valuable than we realize. The more we know, the more we can teach. 
I want my kids to grow up loving to learn new things and the education and knowledge I gain will be very important in this happening.
When children have questions, we can share with them what we already know and then do more research with them about their question to get a better understanding. There is always something to be learned no matter our age. We should be continually learning and sharing our knowledge with others. 
Parents learn so much from children and I know that it is a privilege to be a mother!

In D&C 130:18 it reads, "Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection."
What a blessing it is to know that when we are resurrected, we will have all the knowledge that we have worked for here on earth. Everything we learn will benefit us at one point or another.